The Academy of Controversies and Sensitive Communication

The Academy of Controversies and Sensitive Communication (ACSC) was founded by Thierry Libaert, Bernard Motulsky and François Allard-Huver in January 2018.
In a changing media environment and in the face of the explosion of the digital sphere, a large number of voices are being expressed about controversies and other related topics. It seemed to us that these topics and themes, it was important to objectify the points of view and to consider the contributions of a scientific view based on research in humanities and social sciences, primarily information and communication sciences and many other disciplines.
The objectives of the ACSC
Under the status of a non-profit association, the ACSC has set several objectives.
The first objective of the ACSC is, like other scholarly societies, to promote research and publications on the subject of sensitive communication and controversies. Thus, the following themes are at the heart of the interests of the ACSC and its members :
– Acceptability communication,
– Crisis communication,
– Risk communication,
– Communication on sensitive topics,
– Controversies, polemics and affairs in the public space,
– Rumors, false information, infox, fake news,
– However, in order to face the need for a scientific and quality research on these themes and on these practices which are multiplying, it seemed necessary to us to propose a structure able to gather all the interested actors.
Thus, the second objective of the ACSC is to constitute a network of researchers and communication professionals around these themes and the professional practices associated with them.
The actions of the ACSC
In order to achieve its objectives and to give itself the means to accomplish them in the best possible conditions, the ACSC envisages a certain number of actions of a scientific nature :
– The organization of scientific events, in particular a symposium every two years,
– The organization of biannual working seminars,
– The creation of a space of documentary resources,
– Publications,
– Case studies,
– Training courses,
– These actions are not exhaustive and others can be conducted to effectively meet the objectives of the ACSC.